Friday, October 15, 2010

Comments & Feedbacks received after the Golden Jubilee Reunion

From Sivapragasam, Organising Chairman:
To each and everyone who participated in the reunion celebration my sincere gratitude. Thank you.  In so far as I am concerned it was a great event and every one of you contributed to make it so.
James, I am sorry to tell you that there was no post-mortem. Little purpose would have been served by this as everything went better than we had planned. What happened truly went beyond expectations.
Peng Keong I appreciate the effort that went to make up the video presentation and Alan Teh Chin Leng for making it come truly alive.In my opinion the Pangkor episode was the highlight of the entire program and I am truly sorry for the many that missed it.
Thanks to Arjun Mall and Fah Shin their flexibility and tenacity enabled some memorable moments in the ‘activities’. As someone remarked, who could have imagined that grandfathers would behave as was witnessed in the table tennis competition. These two better  thank Francis Fernandes for his ‘always willing to support’.
Thanks to Chin Kong Kew (who I think missed his true calling as a Harlem Globe trotter) Choy Kum Yoon and Loke Kok Pow there was never a dull moment. Of course there was serious humour amply provided by Hoy Soon Yeong and not so serious jokes by Foo Wan Kean. A semblance of sanity was only prevailed by the likes of Voon Loong and Chong Yun.
Jio must be thanking his lucky stars that he was able to eventually make the last lap to Pangkor. It would have been a great pity if he had been forced to miss it after making the journey all the way from London to Ipoh.
Full marks must be given to Cheong Soon Cheong, Timothy Chee and Khaw Eng Aun who kept the serious business of administration going smoothly.  A great debt is owed by all of us to them.
Special thanks to our guests who made this event a little more exciting. Phillip thank you for all that you did for the group.
I have a lot more to say but I do not want to be accused again of saying too much.  Thank you all again.
From Effendy Choong Sin Chong:
Well, going by the comments it is very heartening to note that everyone of you in Pangkor had a great time. Business commiments did not allow me the time to join you in that rip-roaring adventure at Pangkor so I will just say I missed a great opportunity to better know all of you but no tinge of regret; hopefully there will be some other time especially two years from now where I am sure the great work put in by Siva, Soon Cheong, Timothy, James and the rest will be emulated or even bettered by the new Committee (or shall we say the same Committee is retained but coming out with even better ideas).

I honestly had a great time at our own Reunion dinner on Sunday meeting up with all the classmates and reliving some of the memories of yesteryears. My wife (attending the Dinner for the very first time) was equally mesmerised by the warmth and the comradeship shown by all of you.
The way we went out of our way to make a contribution, however small, to James shows that we really care and I am proud to be one of you too.

I am really looking forward to viewing some of the photos of your adventures in Pangkor and the earlier dinner sessions. Take care and keep up the correspondence by email. To those of you in KL who are dropping by at Peter Chee's house this Saturday to meet up with James hope to see you then. To all our overseas friends who made the effort to return to Ipoh for the celebrations please have a safe and pleasant journey home.

From Lawrence Chai:
The reunion was definitely a great success. I enjoyed meeting you all  and many for the first time since we left  school in 1960. Even my wife, Helen enjoyed meeting you. Initially she thought that we were going to be very  rowdy. 

 My thanks and appreciation to all those who were involved in organising the reunion. Special thanks to Siva, James, Soon Cheong, Chin Leng, Soon Yeong, Fah Shin, Francis Fernandez, Philip, Timothy, Peng Keang, and all others I might have missed out. I know how much work, time and money you have given over the past two years. James, may the Good Lord comfort and heal you. My salute to you all!

My only 'regret' is that I missed seeing some of our classmates who were not able to make it. Gim Leong, Min Shin, Hock Poo and others.  We missed you.
Warm regards and God bless.
From Raymond Wong:
A very big thank you from me and son. My son - Ashton, who thought that it would be a boring affair, was pleasantly surprised and have many fond memories of many of his new found uncles. 
From Chan Voon Loong:

Dear Siva and the organization committee, 
Many thanks for the fun time that we have for the past 5 days. I agree with Siva the Pangkor trip was the high light as we got to get to know each other a bit more and there were ample opportunity to talk about good old days. Congratulations for the excellent job done you guys. Looking forward to see you all in 2012 if not before.
From Francis Kim Kok Wee:
Siva, many thanks to You and Your Team for their truly selfless devotion to the Success of the Event.  
 From Quah Soon Cheang:
Dear SMI1960 classmates,
Thank you so much for making the reunion a success.
From Ooi Eng Aun:
Dear Soon Cheong, Siva, Timothy and the rest of the organising commitee,

I also would like to say thanks and congrats to all who made this event so memorable and enjoyable.  
I did not make it to Pangkor with you but I'm sure that I would have enjoyed myself if I did.

It was good to meet up with old friends and form mates after 50 years without contact. If I could not recall some names or fail to recognise some faces, my only excuse is age and that features of friends (and I myself) have changed through the years.

Hope to see you again sometime in the future.  
I also would like to extend my invitation to you to contact me anytime you are in Australia and we can meet up again.
From Yoon Kwok Leong:
I would like to thank all the members of the organising committee for a fantastic job well done in organising the dinner and the associated activities.
Thanks also go to fellow participants who made the efforts to attend, without whose participation the celebrations would not have been what it had turned out to be.
As for those who could not make it for various reasons, let’s hope that they will be able to attend the next event.
Whilst most of us would have made and cultivated new friends in our journey through life after our school days, to meet up with old friends and form mates after more than 50 years is indeed very special for me.
Very special is also when 2 dear friends made the efforts to bring in their autograph books of 50 years vintage, and showed me what I had written 50 years ago, and the sentiments expressed then still hold true today!

Till we meet again some time and in some place, we wish all of you that your life's journey will continue to be blessed with much happiness and fulfillment.
From Cho Sip Seng:
 When you have an occasion as auspicious and grand as the one we’ve had recently – celebrating our reunion after a 50-year absence since leaving school (in my case), it is nothing short of a very heart-warming experience, one  that will  be long cherished. That’s my feeling.  What will remain etched in my mind is the enormous presence of goodwill and quite surprisingly, the depth of friendship and understanding with certain classmates/schoolmates that not only has remained undiminished despite the passage of time but, in fact, has risen to a new level.

 When security ceases to be an issue at this phase of life, friendships and relationships take on much greater significance and meaning. Personally, I am grateful that all has worked out as well as can be reasonably expected. Having the opportunity to meet up with so many old classmates/schoolmates and new people has been such a joyous and life-enriching experience, that I doubt it will ever be forgotten.
 I believe all would agree that were it not for the belief, grit and determination of the organising committee (not forgetting our incomparable James Leong), who had so selflessly given their time , energy and other resources, there would not have been much of a celebration.  And, of course, without the willing and enthusiastic participation of group members along with their partners and guests, it is doubtful that we would have had such a resounding success.
As for the group members who did not make it, for reasons best known to themselves, they can rest assured that they were not forgotten. It is hoped that they will redouble their efforts and be a part of the show when the next opportunity arises.
 Let me recount some of my very early experiences. The first classmate I saw at the Syuen Hotel on 25 September 2010 was Sivapragasam. It was both a surprise and a thrill to find someone I once knew but not seen and not heard of since school days. A lot had happened over the years but our paths had not crossed in all that time. And that’s true with nearly all other classmates and schoolmates. Notwithstanding that, in most cases, we had little difficulty in recognising each other even though we all have evolved. Had a similar experience later in the day, when I met up with Lim Jit Yong, who was a little more recognisable and Ong Keng Meng, who appeared to have more prominent changes. This guy has prospered.
 All in all, having the opportunity to touch base with old classmates and make new acquaintances is very much a surprise and a joy, something to be cherished. (To those classmates whose names I have inadvertently left out, I apologise - blame it on my fading memory!).
 Although we have gone our separate ways and have done different things especially those who have ventured offshore, still, on close examination, I believe our personalities have remained substantially the same. So, it may be concluded that we are what we are wherever we may be and whatever we choose to do!  We have retained our uniqueness and I can see nothing wrong with that. Personally, I would say that those of us who have improved our lot in life with the help of luck or through effective management or a combination of both, life has been generally good. Few would disagree that the world rewards those who are prepared to work for what they want. 
 Indeed we had fun and lots of surprises. What I would single out for mention is that although we are well into our sixties, the fact that so many are holding up so well leaves me with one conclusion:  that many see sense in leading a balanced life.  Whilst I accept that not everyone can be everyone’s close friend, it is the goodwill, care and concern that people have for each other that really heartens me. Thanks guys for just being you.
 Where to from here for us as a group? From what I can gather, plans are afoot for us to meet up again for the school’s centennial celebration in 2012. A holiday rendezvous in Cameron highlands has been touted. Perhaps the Genting Highlands should also be considered. What appeals to me is the thought that we can all be buddies with a real sense of belonging.
 Finally, what lesson do I take from this unforgettable reunion? The ancient wisdoms still apply. We can all find satisfaction in life if we choose to make the most of what we already have rather than focus on what we don’t have and perhaps don’t need.
 I have but one small regret: that is, for having failed to see some old classmates. However, all is not lost for we can still keep in touch via email.  Let’s stay well and in touch.
From Celine:
During those 4 gorgeous days, I was made very welcome and many made the effort to make me feel included, comfortable and most importantly, safe. Thanks guys! I feel having gained a lot in knowledge through talking and sharing with you and also through quiet observations of the fellowship, humility, unselfishness and kindness, the laughter, tears (see I am that observant! Ahem!).  Again, thanks for the great hospitality.

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